Mubasil Bokhari

The name is Bokhari, Mubasil Bokhai.


About Me

I am an international student originally from Lahore, Pakistan. It gets really hot there in the summer, temperatures could reach upto 115 F. I am currently a rising sophomore at Bard trying to major in Computer Science. I'm involved in various activities and clubs on campus. I am involved in the Bard Bollywood club, Bard Hookah Club, the ISO(International Student Organization), the MSO(Muslim Student Organization), the Ping Pong club, and I'm also the PC of Keen North.

Coding and me.

I have taken two coding classes up untill now: Object Oriented Programming, and Data Structures. I love coding because it gives me a chance to make something, or contribute to a project that could actually make a difference in the world. Next semester I am taking Mobile Development which is my first 300 class at Bard(yay?).

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